Saturday, November 8, 2008

We Made It to Cabo!

Ted's Log: To my beautiful wife, Sugar Plum, I Love You! The boat has been ziplocked and many places have been mugged.
Jeff's Log: You know the expression, "Shit Happens", on a boat, you can count on it, more later.

Don's Log: We have arrived in Cabo and have been staying at a very upscale Marina Cabo San Lucas Marina. It's going on a month that we have been out to sea and it has been a grand adventure. Tonight is the awards cermeony, and for sure everyone who made it will get at least a third place prize. The Baja Ha Ha is not so much a race as an excuse for 180 boats to form a community and travel from San Diego down the Baja togehter. it reminds me of Burningman somewhat, an intentional community that comes together once a year, comprised of a bunch of folks who like adventure and might be called "Freaks" by some. Definitely count me in as a freak in this regard. The world of sailing is so elemental. Reality is the vast ocean with it's currents, waves that determine ones course. The Sun, moon and stars are present in ways that you just don't get as a land person. Everything matters on a sailing boat, all the systems from navigation to sails are important becaue if one goes down or is impaired it impacts you, sometimes in ways that are quite unpleasant. Take for instance the septic system. What happens when a toilet gets clogged and and a plunger or snake won't do the trick? Somebody, namely yours truly, gets to take on the task of being a plumber and boy what a stinking job that was! Anyways I will write more later on that particular episode.

I have Visited Cabo since the 80's and it has now become like Miami Beach-Vegas. Totally built up, expensive, a place to party for those with dough. The captain will put up his entry before we depart for La Paz in the next few days, but here are a few pics that he picked out from San Diego and after departure.
The Captain preparing a meal fof the crew and Jeff at the healm (we don't need no stinking auto pilot)
Your's truly raising the flag as we exit San Diego and Sean with his U. Marine Corp brother who came and visited us while we were at the S.D Yacht Club
Sean in the Bosuns chair fixing the uneven spreaders
Guacomole anyone?

1 comment:

Sugarplum said...

1st Mate Ted,
Are you really there? I have only seen 3 pictures of you.