We arrived last night around 8pm into the Bahia de Tortuga, completing leg one, being pushed by our dingy. Amazing how much push a little 4 storke outboard can generate, getting us up to around 4 knots. Our adventure with the dingy started at around 3 in the afternoon Yesterday when we noticed the engine temprature had risen from 160 to 180 and that we had had oil in the water. We arrived last night around 8pm into the Bahia de Tortuga being pushed by our dingy. Amazing how much push a little 4 strok outboard can generate
After we got in last night First Mate Ted brought the famous drinking mug to shore and we suprised the locals and fellow Ha Ha er's with its size and hilstory (more later about the mug later). We celebrated being on land after being out at sea for 4 days. Every problem is an opportunity. This is to say that all of these problems have been taken in stride by the crew of the Jolly Roger. We stopped the outboard at one point and feasted on B-Bque chicken prepared for us by Jeff Kitchen. Ted has the ship organized to a high degree and Sean complements the Captain with some real sailing chops. We all toasted and each gave a heartfelt appreciation for what an incredible advnture this trip has turned out to be.
Dolphins guided us into the bay and now we are preparing to push off agian in the morning for the next leg. We will most likely not be using the diesel engine so we are stocking up on gas for the outboard. There are favorable winds projected, so it looks like good sailing down to our next and final stop before reaching the culmination in Cabo.